Technical Verification

Enhance the Value of your Software Escrow


Errors can occur any time, and since software providers are human, they are also prone to making mistakes. With that said, the deposit materials can contain components or files that are damaged, corrupted, contain viruses, difficult to use, password-protected, or even incomplete.

To overcome these issues and errors, EscrowTech India offers different levels of verification to help customers meet the required level of protection.


EscrowTech India offers standard verification for free. This is the most basic level of verification, and every time we receive the escrow material, the following procedures are conducted by trained escrow technicians:

  • Virus Scan – The deposit materials are cleaned and freed of any malicious bugs and viruses before sent to the vaults.
  • Password and Encryption Check – There are chances that escrow materials are encrypted or password protected. If the encryption key or password is not included in the documentation, the licensee may face challenges after the escrow is released. It is not EscrowTech India’s responsibility to discover if any of the Deposit Materials are encrypted or password protected or to provide de-encryption tools/keys, passwords or information needed for decryption.
  • Readability Check – The files can become corrupt in numerous ways. So, our expert escrow technician will verify the files before sending them to the long-term vault.

If any issue persists, EscrowTech India will reach out to the software provider and solve the problem.


File Listing Verification is the process of generating a directory listing of the deposit materials. This helps the licensee in performing further analysis related to the software.

A comprehensive directory listing report will include:

  • File type
  • File size
  • File name
  • Cryptographic hash

If you are under a budget, you can choose to have File Sharing Verification as it can help you in increasing the value of your software escrow without breaking the bank.


Apart from performing File Listing Verification, our verification professional(s) will also conduct Deposit Analysis Verification where the following aspects are looked into:

  • 3rd party dependency review
  • Source code check
  • Documentation analysis

Once the verification process is complete, the technician will contact one of the software developers to get a detailed report that outlines things that are incomplete or missing. The developer will also provide suggestions on how to enhance the deposit materials.


Build Verification is the process used for projects that are in a compiled language. It is designed to test whether the deposit materials can be successfully designed and used.

During the process, the software developer creates an executable program using the configuration information and build instructions from the source code in the escrow materials. The steps involved in Build Verification include:

  • Setting up and configuring build environment
  • Compiling sources
  • Executing tests
  • Package executables

If there is any misinformation or insufficient information like missing 3rd party dependencies or missing source code, our verification professional will document and report the situation.

Once the verification process is complete, a detailed report of the findings will be delivered to the licensee and the software provider, outlining any findings and suggestions on how to improve the deposit materials.


This is the process of comparing the produced executables with the existing executables that are currently being used by the licensee.


A Test Plan Verification is the process used particularly for projects and escrow materials that are written in interpreted languages. During the verification process, the following procedures are performed:

  • Setting up and configuring a production environment
  • Loading and configuring source code
  • Performing smoke test provided by the licensee
  • Opening additional testing (optional) in case if the licensee wants to perform the verification

If there is any misinformation or insufficient information like missing 3rd party dependencies or missing source code, our verification professional will document and report the situation.

Once the verification process is complete, a detailed report of the findings will be delivered to the licensee and the software provider, outlining any findings and suggestions on how to improve the deposit materials.

This verification process allows the licensee to perform their own tests and authenticate the escrow materials.